Where the spirit of the Lord is all around you

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What’s On/Events

Sunday 10am services

Please join us for coffee, tea or squash  in the church hall after the service.

8am Communion service every Sunday.

Coffee mornings - Every Tuesday, from 10am in the church hall .  All are welcome.

Morning Prayer (a short reflective service) - Every Tuesday, 9.30am.

13 February: Tots Praise, Worlebury School, 10am - 11.30.

15 February: Let’s Celebrate…Love, Worship and Crafts, 4pm.

21 February: Film Club, church hall, 7pm.

22 February: Let’s Celebrate…Love, church hall, 4pm.

12 March: LENT COURSE begins, and on following Wednesdays at church hall ,2.30pm . Also, from 13  March and on following Thursdays, course is via  Zoom.

15 March: Let’s Celebrate…Eucharist, church hall, 4pm.

22 March:  Benefice Vision Day, 10am - 3pm.

30 March: Mothering Sunday, 10am.

6 April: Church@5, 5pm.

13 April: Palm Sunday, family service, 10am.

17 April: Maundy Thursday supper, church hall, 5.30pm. Stripping of the altar, 7.30pm.

18 April: Good Friday - Easter garden, 10am.; Reflective music and psalms, 12 noon; Stations of the cross, 1pm.

19 April:  Easter vigil followed by watch (until midnight), 9pm.

20 April: Easter Day service 10am.

9 -11 May: Festival of Marriage.

18 May: Annual Parochial Church Meeting, following 10am service, in the church hall.

Welcome to Toddler Praise

Busy hands, above, creative minds, smiling faces. These are the ingredients of our church Bible Holiday Clubs for youngsters.

Pictures here show some of the fun from one session.

Holiday Club

Let’s Celebrate: a new monthly way of worship

Community space to enjoy

Every Tuesday, in the church hall, beginning with coffee at 10am, church members are hosting a community lounge for parishioners to enjoy.

All are welcome to our Toddler Praise weekly event at Worlebury St Paul’s School.

Action songs, a Bible story, crafts, toys and refreshments are included during the free classes, 10 - 11.30am every Thursday during term time. Just turn up!

Telephone Rev Gail on 0774 6050607 for more details.

All the joy of the festive season

Let’s Celebrate is a re-branding of Messy Church, the regular monthly event offering an alternative way of worshipping.

Aimed at people of all ages, it is focused on the theme of Celebration. All are welcome to the church hall on the third Saturday of the month at 4pm to enjoy an activity that is just that something different.

Our church has been scattering the Christmas spirit throughout Kewstoke — guests at Community lunch (above) with helpers (right), Matthew with the music (below), Ma and Pa Xmas with Nancy at coffee event (above, right) and (below) our choir and parishioners enjoying the New Inn after an evening of carol singing.