Where the spirit of the Lord is all around you
Spreading the Word; broadening horizons
In line with the Diocesan Strategy ‘Living the Story, Telling the Story’, St Paul’s seeks to be a missional church, reaching out into our local community and beyond.
Worlebury Church of England and Kewstoke Schools
For information about Kewstoke Primary School in Kewstoke Road, click on www.kewstokeprimary.co.uk/
For information about Worlebury St Paul’s Church School in Woodspring Crescent, click on http://www.worleburyprimary.com/
Kewstoke school (right)is nestled under the hill overlooking the village with the Welsh hills in the distance
Worlebury St Paul’s School (below) is in more modern premises.
The work goes from strength to strength with many new initiatives now established.
Not least are the increased activities involving the children at Worlebury St Paul’s School and Kewstoke School where Rev Gail and church volunteers organise assemblies on a fortnightly basis, helping children gain a greater knowledge of Christianity and its place in the world.
A Worlebury Rocks lunchtime club for Years 5 and 6 has also been set up.
In addition, school groups take part in ‘Christmas in a Box’, ‘Easter in a Box’
and Messy Church fun activities as well as, for pre-
Our pictures, right show children enjoying a range of activities at one of the monthly Messy Church sessions.
Coffee mornings: a hub for whole community
A chaplaincy service is thriving at Kewstoke’s Cygnet Hospital and service users now join the congregation at St Paul’s and enjoy the social environment at Tuesday coffee mornings in the church hall.
Before coffee, a 9.30 Morning Prayer service offers inspiration, usually in a simple Celtic form of worship before the enjoyment and social friendship in the hall. The occasion is thriving with often 30 to 40 people attending, a welcome gathering point for the local community.
During the colder months the ‘warm space’ is extended further into the day and includes a light lunch. There are also organised topics such as bereavement discussions, exploring spirituality, adult Messy Church and gentle exercise sessions.
The scene at the popular coffee mornings.
During the festive Christmas season church members go out into Kewstoke singing carols together with villagers who are keen to join in. The carollers also call at the Cygnet Hospital where the visit is valued by service users and staff alike.
In the summer, church members are out and about again, sometimes running stalls at fetes, selling plants at a spring sale – all part of St Paul’s ongoing mission to reach out to the people of the parish and encourage them to take part in the life of our church.
Left: at a fete, presenting plants from a church stall.
Out and about in sunshine and showers
The Kewstoke Cubs and Scouts (right) are encouraged to be part of the St Paul’s family and participate in various activities throughout the year.
The Cubs and Scouts join in